After booking your appointment I will send you a questionnaire to fill out before our meeting. If you need a time outside of those listed, please reach out!
Portfolio review & audit
Portfolio Reviews can result in number of outcomes depending on your goals and where you are in your portfolio building process. A well informed portfolio shows a clear perspective and addresses concrete objectives. Topics will vary but some common concerns I’m able to address:
every market has it’s needs. Are you showing that you can solve them?
What makes a portfolio suitable for art licensing and how to get pitch perfect
Which pieces are working and which could use tweaking
How to build out a group of images for a more robust collection
Which markets are appropriate for your art and how to target a category’s specific needs
How to format your work for particular submissions
Is there a difference in pitching your work when looking for representation vs approaching manufacturers
What is holding you back from submitting and putting those anxieties to rest
My goal is for you to leave our conversation feeling like you have a set of actionable steps that will help you move forward and get that portfolio into action!
What’s included
Pre review of submitted work: submission sheets, collection or portfolio site
Hour long virtual review, questions and brainstorming
Wrap up notes and action items
Recording of our live chat